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Politicians need to be brave and think ahead; what they also need is the support of their peoples by regaining their trust.
Syrian crisis can have “collateral damages” for many actors; negative consequences affect some actors more than others...
Cross-cultural differences allow for too many interpretations and expression of national complexes.
The view that freedom is a form of energy and not a moral or philosophical value, results from the fact that freedom produces work.
Is the monstrous so banal to escape our glance, and be able to hide among us, undisturbed?
Samaras, Venizelos and Kouvelis, have a good chance to prove that Tsipras’ angry and un-systemic approach is not really needed in Greece.
The proclamation of rape as a gender-related crime in 1996 was a great step forward, but it can not put our hearts at rest.
The fact that Assad must go is not to be questioned. It is the “how” that needs to be discussed.
A forecast is made for ND to get a percentage around 32% (143 MPs), followed by SYRIZA with 23% (68 MPs).
The majority of Greek citizens are trying to avoid voting for Alexis; old leaders do almost nothing to give them a reason not to.